Tesla Powerwall Certified Installer in Kybram

Tesla Powerwall Certified Installer in Kybram 1024 461 Active Energy Group

Tesla Powerwall Certified Installer in Kybram

Take the next step on your renewable energy journey.

Are you enjoying the benefits of solar power, but wishing you could store the oversupply for a rainy day? Tesla’s Powerwall could be the solution you’re searching for. It gives you the power to further reduce your reliance on the grid at night or when the weather isn’t cooperating.

What is the Telsa Powerwall?

The Tesla Powerwall is a battery used to store the energy converted by your solar panels. 

The energy stored in the Powerwall can be used at any time, but is especially useful at night, during spells of overcast weather or if there is a power outage in your area. Far smarter than your average generator, the Powerwall recognises a power outage instantly and is able to keep all appliances running smoothly. 

The Powerwall gives you the independence to power everything with clean energy. Save more money on your power bill, reduce your carbon footprint and take advantage of the most reliable energy source to date.

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Why Install a Powerwall?

Most homes use more energy in the morning and at night, as opposed to the middle of the day when the sun and your panels are working their magic. Your panels are therefore producing more electricity than is usually needed to power your home during this time. Plus, you’re then forced to use power from the grid at night. You are given credit for any oversupply, in the form of a feed-in tariff, however it’s not substantial and a battery such as the Powerwall could be a more cost-effective solution.



All in One

Real-time Info

Touch Safe

No CO2

Smarter Energy Use

If you thought switching to solar was the smartest move you could make, guess again. The Powerwall is integrated with the Tesla app, which allows you to closely monitor your home’s energy production and consumption. For those dedicated to living a greener lifestyle, this gives you the opportunity to analyse energy use and pinpoint areas or time periods where excessive consumption occurs. Plus, you can customise your settings in the app so the Powerwall uses stored energy when the electricity from the grid is most expensive.  

The Tesla app not only measures your usage and impact, but includes other useful features such as severe weather warning alerts and remote access.

The Powerwall is backed by a 10-year warranty and receives automatic system updates, meaning no maintenance is required. 


The Tesla Powerwall is easy to install with new and existing home solar systems. The weatherproof design is mountable either indoors or outdoors, and you can stack up to 10 depending on your home’s energy requirements. 

The sleek, modern design seamlessly integrates with most home aesthetics, and there are no dangerous vents or wires.  


  • Usable Capacity 13.5 kWh
  • Scalable Up to 10 Powerwalls
  • Efficiency 90% Round-trip
  • Weight 114 kg
  • Warranty 10 Years
  • Continuous Power 5 kW
  • Operating Temperature -20°C to 50°C
  • Peak Power 7 kW
  • Gateway 2 380mm x 584mm 11.4 kg

Trust Active Energy Group With your Tesla Powerwall Installation

The team at Active Energy Group are thrilled to announce we are a certified Tesla Powerwall installer. Our team has upskilled with Tesla’s installer program, ensuring we are fully equipped with the technical skills to install Powerwalls with precision and expertise.

Whether we installed your solar system or not, we’re happy to offer our services in Tesla Powerwall installation and maintenance. 

Solar panels and the Tesla Powerwall are a match made in heaven when it comes to reducing your grid energy use. You’ll not only save even more on your power bill but your home power supply will be backed up 24/7.

If you’d like to learn more or you’re interested in getting a quote, get in touch with the team at Active Energy Group today.

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Contact us today to get a free consultation and find out how much
you could save on your power bill!

Phone : 0456 800 232

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